IELTS Speaking Test Tips and Advice

12 May 2022 Abhishek sps 0 Language Proficiency Test - IELTS/PTE

The Speaking test remains the same for both – (Academic and General Training). When you take IELTS on computer, the Speaking test remains face-to-face with a certified IELTS examiner.

Test duration: 11-14 minutes (for both Academic and General Training tests)

What is the IELTS Speaking Test Format?

There are three parts in a Speaking Test:

Part 1: (4–5 minutes) Introduction and interview. The IELTS examiner will introduce him/herself and will ask you to also introduce yourself, besides confirming your identity. The examiner will ask you generic questions on topics like family, studies, work, and your interests.

Part 2: (3–4 minutes) Individual long turn. The examiner will give you a task card with a topic written on it, with some points you may cover in your speech. You will have one minute to think and prepare upon the topic; a paper and pencil will be provided to jot down your notes. Once done ideating, you will have a time of one to two minutes to speak on the subject followed by some questions on the same by the examiner.

Part 3: (4–5 minutes) Two-way discussion. The examiner will ask more questions related to the topic provided in Part 2 of the Speaking test. You can use this opportunity to talk about more ideas.

Helpful Tips for IELTS Speaking Test

  • Before you take your test, start talking to your friends, family and peers in English. You can also record yourself to hear how confident you sound and if you need to work on your pronunciation.
  • Don’t be scared of giving wrong or right answers in your test. Remember, the examiner will see how articulate you are in expressing your opinions in English.
  • There is no need to be stressed in your Speaking test. The examiner is not giving you marks on the answers you give, but on how well you can speak on your opinion of thought.
  • Avoid repetition of examiner’s question as a part of your answer. Understand the question and rephrase it in your own language.
  • Do not slow down or pace up your speaking. Be natural, like how you talk to people in regular life. Speaking quickly may end up in pronunciation mistakes.
  • Try being as detailed as you can when answering. Develop your responses to each question rather than just answering in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
  • Always use the correct verb tenses when answering the question. For instance, if you are asked ‘What kind of music do you like?’ (Present tense), do not answer in past tense.
  • Practise how to pronounce the numbers clearly. For instance, when spoken, numbers like ‘Forty’ and ‘Fourteen’ may sound similar.
  • Do not try to use complicated words in your conversation if you are not comfortable. Keep it simple and casual. However yes, if you can use advanced vocabulary, it will be of advantage.
  • Try to provide your answer with reasons. This helps use a wider range of grammar and vocabulary.



BY: Abhishek sps

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